About Us

Who We Are
Who We Are
Continuing in the Evergreen Union School District traditions – Evergreen Institute of Excellence offers TK-12 students sound, standards-based instruction within the flexibility of increased parental involvement coupled with state of the art standards based curriculum. Families remain key to the success of the school coupled with highly qualified teachers and sound standards based curriculum that meets the existing state standards. The teamwork that exists between the families, the community, the staff, and the students exemplifies an exceptional learning environment.
Evergreen Institute of Excellence relies on three critical elements to successfully educate the student that includes the parent, the student, and the highly qualified teacher. The parent educator and teacher develop the directional elements to help the student develop the personal learning tools to successfully complete the curriculum.
Students grades TK-12 typically have a strong parental leg of the triangle, with the teacher acting as a coach to the parent supporting curriculum selections and techniques. Students are empowered to seek out individual activities in order to expand their learning experiences.
This charter is an excellent fit for parents that determine homeschooling is the best option for their children and/or family and will be actively participating in their children’s education. Teachers and parents working together using appropriate resources will ensure each student maximizes achievement using the Common Core State Standards and California State Standards.

As illustrated in the above graphic, the Parent/Teacher/Student Triad is encompassed by Community, Business Partners, and Civic Involvement. These elements will allow students of Evergreen Institute of Excellence to be well rounded and better prepared for the 21st Century. Our Business Partners are open to job shadowing and internships, in addition to keeping us apprised about the skills and training needed in the every changing job market and career worlds.
Our Business Partners are open to job shadowing and internships, in addition to keeping us apprised about the skills and training needed in the every changing job market and career worlds. Our Community will share their expertise with our students to inspire innovation and creativity for real world applications. The Community is ready to partner with our students and develop mentorships to help navigate the next step in our students’ education. Civic Involvement is important for our students to be active participants in civic events, duties and work in order to see the larger picture of their world.
Our Creed
Our Creed
At Evergreen Union School District we choose…
I have self-control.
I choose to do what is right;
even when it is hard and no one is looking.
I choose to do what is right;
even when it is hard and no one is looking.
I take care of myself so I can help others.
I care for my community.
I act with compassion in all I do.
I care for my community.
I act with compassion in all I do.
I choose to be a learner.
I seek help when I need it,
and I learn from my mistakes.
I take opportunities to lead.
I seek help when I need it,
and I learn from my mistakes.
I take opportunities to lead.
I hold myself accountable.
I hold others accountable.
I make this a place I want to be.
I hold myself accountable.
I hold others accountable.
I make this a place I want to be.